Today begins my attempt to walk every street in San Francisco! Am I insane? I've been asking myself that question all day, and especially when I had a look at the map I bought from Border's in Stonestown. Where do I start? Why am I doing this? There's no fucking way!
There's a lot of streets in San Francisco! According to Tom Graham, who wrote an article in the pink section this past Sunday, and who inspired this whole crazy idea, there are 1,260 miles of streets and 5,321 blocks. It took him seven years.
After almost talking myself out of the whole thing, I parked on 19th Ave. and Wawona, and began walking down Wawona toward the ocean, thinking I'll just pretend I'm doing this. Wawona dead ends at 25th, but a trail cuts through an area of the Stern Grove park, and Wawona resumes at 28th. As I was walking through this area, a big crazy-scary dog came charging at me barking and showing his teeth. I thought I was dead, and I just froze, as I imagined myself being torn limb from limb. A great way to start this walking thing! His owner, (who also looked half crazy) was sitting on a log screaming at him as he charged me, but at the last minute, I guess the dog decided I wasn't worth it, and he kind of lunged to the side of me and ran on. The owner didn't say a word to me as I walked by, but he gave me a nice sneer. Great guy!
I shook the heebie jeebies off, and continued on down to the ocean, and then back again on Vicente, also walking Cutler Ave and Escolita Ave, which are small side streets. There's a Sloat Gardens on Wawona and 47th that I want to look around some other day, and I also noticed the Sava Pool for the first time at the corner of Wawona and 19th. It's this sort of modern concrete building with a beautiful pool and huge windows. $5.00 gets you in - good to know!
There are these old strange, creepy hotels down near the ocean that I don't know who would stay at, and it's also the resting area for Muni trains. It's kind of a waste land. Was that Norman Bates I saw walking around?
It was sunny for once today, which is why I decided to start this thing in the Sunset. Might as well take advantage of a nice day, because there's so few of them in the Sunset.
Can hardly wait for your next adventure in the streets of SF. Who will be lurking around the next corner. Maybe a sweet little kitty cat,on a leash this time.